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- Imgtool - A generic image manipulation tool for MESS
- Imgtool is a tool for the maintenance and manipulation of disk and other types
- of images that MESS users need to deal with. Functions include retrieving and
- storing files and CRC checking/validation.
- Imgtool is part of the MESS project. It shares large portions of code with
- MESS/MAME, and its existence would not be if it were not for MESS. As such,
- the distribution terms are the same as MESS. Please read mess.txt thoroughly.
- Some portions in Imgtool is Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the
- University of California. All rights reserved.
- Using Imgtool
- =============
- Imgtool is a command line program that contains several "subcommands" that
- actually do all of the work. Most commands are invoked in a manner along the
- lines of this:
- imgtool <subcommand> <format> <image> ...
- <subcommand> is the name of the subcommand
- <format> is the format of the image
- <image> is the filename of the image
- Further details vary with each subcommand. Also note that not all subcommands
- are applicable or supported for different image formats.
- Certain Imgtool subcommands (info, crc, good) make use of the CRC files, so if
- you use these commands, make sure that your CRC directory is set up.
- Imgtool Subcommands
- ===================
- create Creates an image
- dir Lists the contents of an image
- get Gets a single file from an image
- put Puts a single file on an image (wildcards supported)
- getall Gets all files off an image
- del Deletes a file on an image
- info Retrieves info about an image (by reading CRC files)
- crc Retrieves info about an image in the same format used by the
- CRC files
- good CRC checks a set of images and for matching images, copy into
- a new directory
- listformats Lists all image file formats supported by imgtool
- listfilters Lists all filters supported by imgtool
- listdriveroptions Lists all format-specific options for the 'put' and 'create'
- commands
- Filters
- =======
- Filters are a means to process data being written into or read out of an image
- in a certain way. Filters can be specified on the get, put, and getall
- commands by specifying --filter=xxxx on the command line. Currently, only
- three filters are supported:
- ascii Translates end-of-lines to the appropriate format
- cocobas Processes tokenized CoCo BASIC programs
- dragonbas Processes tokenized Dragon BASIC programs
- Format Info
- ===========
- rsdos CoCo Disks
- ----------------
- Fully implemented. This format supports two format-specific options on the put
- command:
- --ftype=(0|1|2|3) Specifies the file type
- --ascii=(A|B) Specifies the ASCII flag
- cococas CoCo Cassettes
- ----------------------
- Both .cas and .wav supported, but read only.
- lnx Commodore 64 Lynx Archive
- -----------------------------
- only for early revisions of lynx archivs
- only extraction supported
- not heavily tested
- Lynx archivs could and should be handled in a c64 emulation
- with the native lynx tool
- t64 Commodore 64/C64S Archive for Tapes
- ---------------------------------------
- not heavily tested
- further creation/use of these archivs discouraged
- c64crt/crt Commodore 64 Cartridge
- ---------------------------------
- for professional use only (cartridge dumper)
- not heavily tested
- d64 Commodore SX64/VC1541/1551/2031 Diskette
- x64 VICE variant of the above
- d71 Commodore 128D/1571 Diskette
- d81 Commodore 65/1565/1581 Diskette
- -----------------------------------
- not heavily tested
- x64: further creation/use discouraged
- msdos/fat Microsoft DOS Diskette
- --------------------------------
- directories not finished
- not heavily tested
- Formatting (low and high level) must be done with the msdos utility format!
- Boot structures must be installed on these disks with the msdos utility sys!
- standard parameter for common disk formats:
- type 0: 5 1/4 inch, double density, single sided, 160kb: sectors 8, heads 1, tracks 40
- type 1: 5 1/4 inch, DD, SS, 180kb: sectors 9, heads 1, tracks 40
- type 2: 5 1/4 inch, DD, double sided, 320kb: sectors 8, heads 2, tracks 40
- type 3: 5 1/4 inch, DD, DS, 360kb: sectors 9, heads 2, tracks 40
- type 4: 3 1/2 inch, DD, DS, 720kb: sectors 9, heads 2, tracks 80
- at disk controller necessary for high density
- type 5: 5 1/4 inch, high density, DS, 1.2mb: sectors 15, heads 2, tracks 80
- 3 1/2 inch, HD, DS, 1.2mb: sectors 15, heads 2, tracks 80
- type 6: 3 1/2 inch, HD, DS, 1.44mb: sectors 18, heads 2, tracks 80
- special disk controller necessary for enhanced density
- type 7: 3 1/2 inch, enhanced density, DS, 2.88mb: sectors 36, heads 2, tracks 80
- unix with bash: use
- dd if=/dev/zero of=<name.dsk> bs=512 count=$((9*2*40))
- to generate standard blank 360kb image
- msdoshd/fat Microsoft DOS Harddisk/PC Partition Table
- -----------------------------------------------------
- not finished and not working
- (see also unter msdos/fat)
- No low level format necessary with image files
- Partitioning must be done with the msdos utility fdisk
- Then you can format each partition with msdos utility format
- standard parameter for common disk formats:
- type 0: 20mb standard pc/xt harddisk: 17 sectors, 4 heads, 615 cylinders
- unix with bash: use
- dd if=/dev/zero of=<name.dsk> bs=512 count=$((17*4*615))
- to generate standard blank 20mb pc xt harddisk image
- Virtual MSX tape archive
- ------------------------
- Converts .tap files from Virtual MSX 1.x to .cas files. It is not
- fault-tolerant.
- Virtual MSX Game Master 2 SRAM file
- -----------------------------------
- Very simple, not overly useful but some might want it. Virtual MSX stored the
- SRAM of Konami's Game Master 2 in "gmaster2.ram". To convert this to something
- useful with MESS and other MSX emulators, go:
- imgtool getall vmsx_gm2 gmaster2.ram
- You'll get a file called gmaster2.mem, which must place in the correct directory
- of mess to use (MESS\MEMCARD\GameMaster2 if your Game Master 2 .rom file is
- called GameMaster2.rom). It's ~/.xmess/memcard/GameMaster2.mem for xmess.
- fMSX style .cas file
- --------------------
- Converts .cas files to .wav files. The MSX driver can use .cas files directly
- so you don't have to convert them. You can use it to export files to a real
- MSX. Connect the MSX to the line out of your computer. Give the apropriate
- command on the MSX (BLOAD "CAS:",R for example) and then play the .wav file
- on your computer.
- imgtool dir fmsx_cas file.cas
- imgtool getall fmsx_cas file.cas
- imgtool get fmsx_cas file.cas file.wav newfile.wav
- XelaSoft Archive (.xsa)
- -----------------------
- The XelaSoft Archive is a compressed file. It can only contain one
- file. Although it can contain any file, it's always used for MSX disk
- images. The were programs written by XelaSoft which made a dump
- of a disk, and compressing them at the same time. Very useful to store
- a disk dump on another disk. zip/gzip offer much better compression and
- are mainstream, so let's stick with that.
- imgtool uses XSA code developed by Alex Wulms/XelaSoft.
- http://web.inter.nl.net/users/A.P.Wulms/
- Various bogus MSX disk images (img/ddi/msx/multidisks)
- ------------------------------------------------------
- These are formats you might come across, which have no actual added value
- whatsoever. The only format MESS will support, like most other MSX
- emulators, is .dsk (a plain dump without any header information). This
- filetype converts them all to .dsk format.
- msx_img are disk images with an extra byte at the beginning. It' 1 (0x01)
- for single-sided images and 2 (0x02) for double-side images. These
- files are at: ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/msx/. The extension is .img
- msx_ddi are DiskDupe 5.12 disk images. There is a 0x1800 bytes header
- at the beginning. The CompuJunkS MSX emulator used these files. The header
- often contain garbage so it's simply stripped. The extension is .ddi
- msx_msx are disk images with a weird sector order. You can find them
- at: ftp://jazz.snu.ac.kr/pub/msx/. The extension is .msx
- msx_mul are "multi disk" images, used by fmsx-dos 1.6. It is simply
- more than one .dsk image appended to one another. The extension is
- still .dsk, but the file is larger than 720kB (actually always a
- multiple of 720kB.
- rom16 16 bit wide rom image
- ---------------------------
- allows easy access to even and odd parts
- file even: even bytes
- file odd: odd bytes
- Amstrad NC100/NC150/NC200 PCMCIA Ram Card Images (crd/card)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- The card filesystem is similar to FAT, but not identical.
- The maximum card size is 1mb, and maximum file size is 64k.
- (Files will be cut at 64k if they are larger - e.g. when putting a large file)
- As far as I know there is no directory system, however there is always a
- system "NC100" directory which points to the root directory. (Like the DOS "."
- directory).
- Using imgtool, you can put, get and delete files.
- At this time only ascii file type is supported. These files can be loaded
- into the internal wordprocessor,or,if the file is a BASIC listing, it can
- be loaded into basic with "*EXEC <filename>" at the ">" prompt.
- From BASIC you can get a directory listing of the card filesystem with "*."
- at the ">" prompt.
- The file date information is not supported at this time.
- The card filesystem reading/writing in imgtool has not been heavily tested.
- TI99 floppy disk images (v9t9/pc99fm/pc99mfm/ti99_old)
- ------------------------------------------------------
- These modules enable you to create and catalog ti99 images, to delete
- individual files and directories, and to get and put files in TIFILE format.
- Note that you cannot create images in pc99 format.
- The v9t9 module supports the v9t9 disk images that is used by MESS, the pc99fm
- module supports FM-encoded pc99 images, and the pc99mfm supports MFM-encoded
- pc99 images, and the ti99_old module supports the now obsolete image format
- that was used by MESS versions prior to .69. The MESS ti99 drivers supports
- the v9t9 disk image format only. (Note that the old MESS format was identical
- to the V9T9 format for single-sided disks, but that the track order was
- completely different for double-sided disks, which caused the two formats to be
- incompatible for double-sided disk images. I have changed the format to v9t9
- as this format is used by most other TI99 utilities and emulators.)
- The TIFILE format is a file format that is supported by many ti99 utilities: it
- encodes a TI99 file as a flat stream of bytes, which enables to store it on
- file systems that do not support the TI99 file structure and to transmit it
- through networks. This format uses a data format similar to the one used on
- ti99 floppies (i.e. logical records are grouped in physical records of 256
- bytes), with a custom 128-byte header.
- Legal characters for volume and file names are upper case ASCII characters,
- except period ('.') and space (' '). Lower case characters are not recommended
- because they are not supported by TI99/4. You had better avoid control
- characters and non-ASCII characters, too. (Additionally, the NULL character is
- forbidden in file names, but I think nobody in his right sense would even try
- to enter a NULL character in a file name.) The restriction on the period ('.')
- character may sound strange to users of other OSes, but this character is used
- as a path separator by TI systems. (As a matter of fact, no TI99 floppy disk
- DSR (except the HFDC DSR) implements disk directories, but other TI systems
- implement this convention extensively.) Since period is used as the path
- separator, TI99 users often use the slash ('/') or dash ('-') characters as
- file extension separators; note, however, that the use of file extensions is
- never systematic in TI99: you may use file extensions if you find them useful,
- just like you may use any other file naming scheme, but no program enforce or
- require filename extensions as it is often the case in the DOS/windows world.
- Parameters for create:
- --label=...: an optional string of up to 10 characters.
- --sides=[1|2]: 1 for single-sided, 2 for double-sided.
- --tracks=[1-80]: number of track per side. Should be 40 for a 40-track disk,
- and 80 for an 80-track disk.
- --sectors=[1-36]: number of sectors per track. Should be 9 in single density
- (FM), 18 in double density (MFM), and 36 in high density (MFM).
- --protection=[0|1]: when set to 1, the disk will be protected and some (but not
- all) TI99 programs won't overwrite the disk.
- --density=[Auto|SD|DD|HD]: you should probably leave this parameter to Auto, so
- that imgtool picks the correct value automatically (according to the number
- of sectors per track). If you really need to, SD forces single density
- (FM), DD forces double density (MFM), and HD forces high density (MFM).
- Supported geometries for create:
- description |sides|tracks|sectors| size | FDC Compatibility (1)
- | | | | |
- SSSD 48TPI 5"1/4 | 1 | 40 | 9 | 90K | All
- | | | | |
- DSSD 48TPI 5"1/4 | 2 | 40 | 9 | 180K | All
- | | | | |
- DSDD 48TPI 5"1/4 | 2 | 40 | 18 | 360K | SNUG BwG, Myarc HFDC
- | | | | |
- DSDD 96TPI 5"1/4 | 2 | 80 | 18 | 720K | Myarc HFDC (2)
- or DSDD 3"1/2 | | | | |
- | | | | |
- DSHD 3"1/2 | 2 | 80 | 36 |1.44M | Myarc HFDC (Geneve Only) (3)
- (1) Only emulated controllers are listed in this table
- (2) SNUG BwG can read such images, but it will corrupt them when writing new
- data to them
- (3) You cannot boot from such images (this is because the Geneve MDOS operating
- system needs to replaces the incomplete HFDC DSR with a better DSR to
- support HD: since MDOS is not loaded yet at boot time, you cannot boot from
- a HD disk).
- Examples:
- List the catalog of image test.dsk:
- imgtool dir v9t9 test.dsk
- Extract file FILE1 located on image test.dsk:
- imgtool get v9t9 test.dsk FILE1
- Extract file FILE1 located in subdirectory SUBDIR1 on image test.dsk:
- imgtool get v9t9 test.dsk SUBDIR1.FILE1
- Write file FILE1 on image test.dsk:
- imgtool put v9t9 test.dsk FILE1
- (Note that file FILE1 must not exist before the command is run. Use the delete
- command first if you need to overwrite an existing file.)
- Delete file FILE1 located in subdirectory SUBDIR1 on image test.dsk:
- imgtool delete v9t9 test.dsk SUBDIR1.FILE1
- Delete subdirectory SUBDIR1 on image test.dsk:
- imgtool delete v9t9 test.dsk SUBDIR1
- (Subdirectory SUBDIR1 must be empty.)
- Create a SSSD image compatible with all controllers:
- imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=1 --tracks=40 --sectors=9
- Create a DSSD image compatible with all controllers:
- imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=2 --tracks=40 --sectors=9
- Create a DSDD image compatible with BwG and HFDC controllers:
- imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=2 --tracks=40 --sectors=18
- Create a 80-track DSDD image compatible with the HFDC controller:
- imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=2 --tracks=80 --sectors=18
- Create a DSHD image compatible with the Geneve with a HFDC controller:
- imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=2 --tracks=80 --sectors=36
- TI99 hard disk images (ti99hd)
- ------------------------------
- This module can catalog ti99 hard disk images, delete individual files and
- directories, and get and put files in TIFILE format. Only images in HFDC
- format are supported for now (no SCSI format).
- TI990 disk images (ti990hd)
- ---------------------------
- This module supports disk images in DNOS format (which appears to be virtually
- identical to DX10 3.x format). Although the module is named ti990hd, this
- module will work fine with floppy images as well as hard disk images: just make
- sure that the disks are formatted in the proper format, as neither DX10 2.x nor
- TX990 formats are supported.
- Parameters for create:
- The most interesting command is create, as you cannot create new images within
- emulation.
- --cylinders: number of cylinders
- --heads: number of heads
- --sectors: number of sectors per track
- --seclen: bytes per sector
- Known restrictions on geometry:
- 256 < bytes per sector < 512 (arbitrary restriction, actual TI990s might
- accept values out of this range)
- bytes per sector must be even
- 3 < # cylinders < 2047
- 1 < # heads < 31
- 1 < sectors per track < 256
- (sectors per track) * (bytes per sector) < 2^17 = 131072 (which implies
- (sectors per track) < 255 if sectors are 512-byte long)
- (There are probably other restrictions, so you had better stick to values
- similar to the ones used by actual disk units... Also note that according to
- the Spectra 126-Plus manual, ADU size limitations prevent most operating
- systems from supporting units larger than 500MBytes.)
- Known drive geometries:
- (Sources: 946250-9703 p. 3-14, 2270512-9701 p. 11-3, 945250-9701 pp. 5-20
- through 5-28, 946250-9701B pp. 2-1 through 2-3, 2540219A-0001 pp. 4-2 and 4-3,
- 2306140-9701 p. 1-15, 223439B-9701 pp. 3-14 and 3-28. See also "Spectra
- 126-Plus Product Reference Manual" by Cipher P/N 8500055 revision A4 page 2-8.)
- Disk Type Units Size (MB) Cylinders Heads Sectors/Track Bytes/Sector
- FD800 (min) 1 .244 77 1 26 128
- FD800 (max) 1 .978??? 77 2??? 26??? 256???
- FD1000 1 1.15 77 2 26 288
- DS31/DS32 1 2.81 203 2 24 288
- DS10 2 4.70 408 2(*2) 20 288
- DS25 1 22.3 408 5 38 288
- DS50 1 44.6 815 5 38 288
- DS200 1 169.5 815 19 38 288
- CD1400-32 2 13.5 821(h) 1 64 256
- CD1400-64 (rem) 1 13.5 821(h) 1 64 256
- CD1400-64 (fix) 1 38.5 821(h) 3 64 256
- CD1400-96 (rem) 1 13.5 821(h) 1 64 256
- CD1400-96 (fix) 1 67.3 821(h) 5 64 256
- DS80 1 62.7 803(g) 5 61 256
- DS300 1 238.3 803(c) 19 61 256
- WD800-18 1 18.5 651(b) 3 37 256
- WD800-43 1 43.2 651(b) 7 37 256
- WD800A/38 1 38.5 911(d) 5 33 256
- WD800A/69 1 69.3 911(d) 9 33 256
- WD800A/114 1 114.6 904(d) 15 33 256
- WD500 1 4.92 150(a) 4 32 256
- WD500A 1 17.1 694(a) 3 32 256
- WD900-138 1 138.1 805(e) 10 67 256
- WD900-138/2 2 69.0 805(e) 5(*2) 67 256
- WD900-425 1 425.8 693(e) 24 100 256
- WD900-425/2 2 212.9 693(e) 12(*2) 100 256
- MSU II 1 158.8 957(f) 9 36 512
- MSU IIA 1 332.9 1204(f) 15 36 512
- a) some extra cylinders are reserved for diagnostics
- b) 6 extra cylinders are reserved for storage system use (including 2 for
- diagnostics)
- c) some extra cylinders are reserved for diagnostics, and 10 extra cylinders
- are reserved to replace bad tracks
- d) 4 extra cylinders are reserved for storage system use (including 2 for
- diagnostics), and 10 extra cylinders are reserved to replace bad tracks
- e) 16 extra cylinders are reserved for bad track relocation
- f) there are extra cylinders, and the way logical addresses relates to physical
- address is so complex I don't even want to talk about it
- g) 2 extra cylinders are reserved for diagnostics, and 10 extra cylinders are
- reserved to replace bad tracks
- h) 2 extra cylinders are reserved for diagnostics
- Note that 2270512-9701 and 946250-9703 describe more disk units (namely CMD 16,
- CMD 80, WD800A-43 and WD800A-100 for the former, and WD500-10 for the later).
- Since there are no other references anywhere and DX-10 does not seem to know
- about them, I assume that these models were uncommon.
- FD800 is a 8" floppy disc unit that is not emulated, and it is only cited for
- completeness. (The FD800 controller is connected to the CRU bus instead of the
- TILINE bus, and it is the only disc controller that is supported by non-TILINE
- systems).
- FD1000 is a 8" floppy disc unit.
- DS31/DS32 was the first hard disk unit for ti990. The only difference between
- DS31 and DS32 is that DS32 does not require a screwdriver to change the disc
- cartridge.
- DS10 has one 5-mb fixed platter and one 5mb disk cartridge.
- CD1400-32 and CD1400-96 have a one-platter 16-mb removable unit, and a fixed
- unit (16 mb for CD1400-32 and 80 mb for CD1400-96).
- WDxxx units are Winchester drives that connect to a proprietary PBUS bus
- interface. This bus is a built-in interface in BS300 and BS300A systems, and
- the TPBI card enables any TILINE 990 system to support it. WD800s are 8"
- drives with integrated tape backup, WD500s are 5"1/4 drives with integrated
- FD1000 backup, and WD900s are 9" drives. The WD900 controller can optionally
- partition the disc into two partitions: the set-up with no partitioning is
- listed as WD900-138 and WD900-425, whereas the set-up with partitioning is
- listed as WD900-138/2 and WD900-425/2.
- MSU II and MSU IIa are SCSI units to be connected to the 990/SCSI controller
- board.
- Macintosh floppy disk images (mac)
- ----------------------------------
- This module supports MFS (Macintosh File System) and HFS (Hierarchical File
- System) floppy disk images, either in diskcopy 4.2 or raw image format (the raw
- image format is partially compatible with diskcopy 6 format).
- This module can catalog images, and get files in MacBinary format. You can put
- files on MFS-formatted images, too, but not on HFS-formatted images.
- The module does not support folders in MFS format, because MFS folders are not
- documented by Apple.
- Extracted files are in MacBinary III format (which is fully compatible with
- MacBinary I and II). The MacBinary III format joins both macintosh file forks,
- the comment field, and most file info in one single file: it is supported by
- several Macintosh utilities.
- Texas Instruments calculators variable files
- --------------------------------------------
- +--------+------------------------------------------+-----------+
- | Format | Description | Extension |
- +--------+------------------------------------------+-----------+
- | ti85p | TI-85 program file | 85p |
- | ti85s | TI-85 string file (also ZShell programs) | 85s |
- | ti85i | TI-85 picture file (85-image) | 85i |
- | ti85n | TI-85 real number file | 85n |
- | ti85c | TI-85 complex number file | 85c |
- | ti85l | TI-85 list (real or complex) | 85l |
- | ti85k | TI-85 constant file | 85k |
- | ti85m | TI-85 matrix (real or complex) file | 85m |
- | ti85v | TI-85 vector (real or complex) file | 85v |
- | ti85d | TI-85 graphics database file | 85d |
- | ti85e | TI-85 equation file | 85e |
- | ti85r | TI-85 range settings file | 85r |
- | ti85g | TI-85 grouped file | 85g |
- | ti85 | TI-85 generic file | 85? |
- | ti86p | TI-86 program file | 86p |
- | ti86s | TI-86 string file | 86s |
- | ti86i | TI-86 picture file (85-image) | 86i |
- | ti86n | TI-86 real number file | 86n |
- | ti86c | TI-86 complex number file | 86c |
- | ti86l | TI-86 list (real or complex) file | 86l |
- | ti86k | TI-86 constant file | 86k |
- | ti86m | TI-86 matrix (real or complex) file | 86m |
- | ti86v | TI-86 vector (real or complex) file | 86v |
- | ti86d | TI-86 graphics database file | 86d |
- | ti86e | TI-86 equation file | 86e |
- | ti86r | TI-86 range settings file | 86r |
- | ti86g | TI-86 grouped file | 86g |
- | ti86 | TI-86 generic file | 86? |
- +--------+------------------------------------------+-----------+
- Grouped formats (ti85g and ti86g) can keep more than one variable.
- Generic formats (ti85 and ti86) can be used for all types of variable files.
- For all types of variable files dir, create, put, get and delete commands are
- supported.
- Texas Instruments calculators memory backup files
- -------------------------------------------------
- +--------+------------------------------------------+-----------+
- | Format | Description | Extension |
- +--------+------------------------------------------+-----------+
- | ti85b | TI-85 memory backup file | 85b |
- +--------+------------------------------------------+-----------+
- For TI memory backup files only dir command is supported.